
Managing Human Capital

In addition to our standard portfolio of services, ExcellonHR partners also gain access to our fee- based turnkey private label Human Capital Management programs. Available in multiple levels, these programs allow companies to focus on running their business while improving compliance and organizational performance. These programs can be combined with other services such as outsourced payroll processing and online benefits administration to create a custom single source service to meet your clients needs.

ExcellonHCM Access provides the basic outsourced HR functions companies have come to expect from organizations such as PEOs, including payroll and benefits administration, but without the hassles and risks of co-employment.

ExcellonHCM Strategic includes all the services that make up ExcellonHCM Access and goes far beyond other outsourced solutions by not only providing high level HR guidance and administrative services, but also utilizing innovative analytic tools to help employers improve HR decisionmaking and improve operational performance.